All too often, people talk as if being Twitterpated is nothing more than that emotion you feel when you first find yourself enamored with someone. But if that someone turns out to be someone very special, it lasts a lot longer than that. When you find someone that, for whatever reason, is just so wonderful to you, it can last for years. Even if you develop deeper feelings for them, Twitterpation is still that rush of emotion you get where your heart just oozes every time you see them smile.
But people also talk as if being Twitterpated is always this wonderful, fluttery, dreamy, frolicking-through-the-meadows, head-in-the-clouds, happy feeling. Twitterpation isn't so nice to deal with when you can't pursue your feelings. Sometimes that wonderful person doesn't feel the same, sometimes you can't find out if they do, and sometimes (for all kinds of reasons) you don't have a green light even if they do. When things aren't looking so great, being Twitterpated...just makes you crazy.
It's a cruel torment when you can't be with someone. It's like a disease... Especially when you really think they might want to be closer to you if certain...things...were different. Twitterpation Syndrome gnaws at your heart, keeping you up at night... You spend so much time thinking about them, missing them, and wanting to be around them. But then when you are, you find yourself starting to wish that you weren't, so you could stop thinking about them. Unfortunately, that never happens, because that was the problem in the first place.
They say that "time heals all wounds"... It does to a certain extent, but it's not enough. Getting over someone isn't nearly that simple. When wounds are really deep, they don't heal all the way on their own---they need help. That help is something that no one can give you except another person who strikes that certain, special chord in you. You can't "move on" unless you have someone else to move on to. But if you don't have that, you're just...screwed. Because you're just left there, still Twitterpated with someone you can't be with...
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come."
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