Who reads my Blog? You should read my Blog.
I haven't gotten any comments on my posts in quite a while. I guess it doesn't help that I don't post very often, or at predictable times or invervals. But this Blog is actually pretty important to me---it's a venue to get some things out of my system that I otherwise usually can't. I posted incredibly frequently early on (once a week for 4 months!), then got really bad...I just keep forgetting... But I've been improving. And I do have a number of ideas for posts, including several important ones that I intend to do very soon.
My Blog is kind of interesting... A handful of posts are about random things that aren't all that important in retrospect. A handful are kind of emo...I guess I just needed to vent at the time... And a handful are about girls---some may think some of those posts to be somewhat harsh or angry, but I stand by them (& my latest experience in dating only serves to strengthen those views...).
But in the end, about half of my Blog-posts are things I feel very strongly about, & I feel are really a good read---if nothing else, for people to understand me better. In particular, 3 of my more "recent" posts (from this past Spring & Summer) are 3 of the most important posts I've ever done...
I fully intend to post more frequently in the future, & I'd really appreciate it if people would give me feedback---whether in the Blog's official Comments section, on the Facebook post where I announce each new Blog-post, or in private.
I'm not overly careful of who I let see my Blog-posts. First of all, as someone once said, "If you want something to stay private, don't put it on the Internet." ;) And second, there's plenty of people that I just don't expect to care enough to read my Blog (there's plenty of people that I know, that I like well enough & all, but I'm just not close enough to them to care enough to read theirs...).
But if you value me as anything more than a casual friend, you should read my Blog. Really.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
I'm not sure that I can say that I "value [you] as anything more than a casual friend", as my only interaction with you is that I read your blog. Speaking of which, it seems kind of pointless to exhort people to read your blog, on your blog.
Anyway, I figured I ought to let you know that your peculiarly formatted words are in fact being read by someone, so don't stop now! ;)
It would be presumptuous of me to claim to be more than a casual friend, but I do check your FB page reasonably often and I *used* to read your blog the same way.
Main reason I quit coming by was that I lost the link, in fact I lost a lot of my blog bookmarks some years ago and felt kinda 'meh' about chasing them down agehn. I have now bookmarked your blog again and will wander by erratically as long as the link survives. My own poor blog is sadly neglected. Like you, I think of many things to blog about, but don't often share. I am, however, interested in what YOU have to say :)
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